Well, it is time once again for the winter Olympics and with that will come many success stories. I so enjoy a rags to riches testimony or one where someone overcomes great obstacles to achieve her dreams. The movies that are based on true stories and facts are the ones I will gravitate to for sure.
It is those small and humble beginnings sometimes that cause people to fight and push through to victory.
However, the words tiny and small and little are not very popular for those hoping for something big.
You see, my granddaughter is always looking for the biggest package under the Christmas tree. It almost does not matter what she had on her wish list and what size box it would require. She still equates the best with the biggest.
I am pretty confident that her views will change a bit down the road as she anticipates getting a key to a vehicle or a piece of jewelry from someone special that would definitely fit in a small box.
We have all heard it said that dynamite comes in small packages and so many times in the Bible, Jesus would take little and multiply it to be much.
The loaves and fishes fed thousands and the widow’s last bit of flour and oil made many meals for her and her son.
So, what about whispering a tiny prayer? I believe that some of my most effective and powerful prayers have consisted of only three words. They have simply been, “God, help me”, “God help her”, and “God, help him.”
You see, there are times when we know that we are limited in our abilities to remedy a situation, but God has unlimited resources and He delights in every detail of our lives.
When my dad was taken to the emergency room years ago with an unknown illness, I remember just putting my hand on his shoulder and whispering, “God, help him.”
Another time when my mom was going through some things that we were trying to figure out, I prayed, “God, help her and God, help me.” At those times, that is all I could say as I was a little distraught. But, you know what? God heard those little bitty cries for help as I was reminding myself and Him that I trusted Him.
In the last chapter and the last verse of the book of Matthew, Jesus tells us that He is with us always, even to the end of the age. And, in Isaiah 41, we are told that He is with us and that He holds us by our right hand.
However, when we are in the battle, it is imperative that we REMEMBER that He is with us by calling out to Him and using the measure of faith He has given to us.
My friend, Melissa, had her first grandchild born last year and he was 16 weeks early. He was born at only 24 weeks. In fact, the doctors said that had he been born only one day earlier, they would not have taken measures to resuscitate him.
Little Denver Sage Jones weighed in at only one pound and eight ounces and was given a five percent chance of survival because of the lack of development of his little lungs. He was TINY and was given little hope. There are those words again, “tiny” and “little”.
Nevertheless, the family held out on just that small percentage of hope that he would live and thrive. Yes, Denver had set backs and the family was told to prepare for the worst. They were told that he might not be able to see. In other words, the prognosis was not good and not what a parent or grandparent ever wants to hear.
With that picture painted, I am so happy to report that Denver is alive and well. He is a vibrant little guy whose vision is great and his development is on target as if he had been born full term. They are increasing his calorie intake to get his weight up, but he currently weighs 13.1 lbs. His smile is contagious and he is a delight to all of his family, especially to Melissa.
With that picture painted, I am so happy to report that Denver is alive and well. He is a vibrant little guy whose vision is great and his development is on target as if he had been born full term. They are increasing his calorie intake to get his weight up, but he currently weighs 13.1 lbs. His smile is contagious and he is a delight to all of his family, especially to Melissa.
In one of my favorite verses in Romans, we are reminded that God is our SOURCE OF HOPE. We are also told in Jeremiah that God wants to give us a future and a HOPE.
Small beginnings can turn into big endings and tiny prayers will remind us that God is on the scene and is working on our behalf.
He is the One who is giving us hope and ordering our steps. He is always faithful and trustworthy.
Yes, at times, big prayers that include praise, thanksgiving, confession and intercession are in order. And other times, tiny prayers remind us that God is our help in time of need and that we can trust Him.
Let me encourage you to whisper tiny prayers throughout the day to put yourself in remembrance of His presence. He is Immanuel, God with us!
Carla Holtz grew up in a cozy Oklahoma town where she was part of a wonderful church and youth group providing the place for her to meet her husband, Randy of now 35 years. A comfy person is a suitable description of Carla, as she is someone people feel they have known for a long time. By combining humor with life experiences and the Word, she brings practical wisdom for everyday living through her writings and her opportunities to speak at women’s events. It is her goal to bring encouragement to fellow Christians while living a life that draws people to the Lord. Currently, Carla serves her church in a way which allows her to help people get connected to the body of believers and discover where they can best use their God-given gifts. Carla and Randy have planted deep roots in their Oklahoma community where they raised their children and now have the blessing of enjoying their grandchildren.