Finally, it is Spring!
Well, with this crazy Oklahoma weather we are having, that boasts of low temperatures, as well as wind and rain, it is hard to actually believe that this new season is upon us.
As Easter quickly approaches, my mind goes back to the days when I was assured we would sing a song at church that we only sang once a year. The song would start out with the piano and organ in those lower registers and then build in a crescendo that would give me goose bumps.
Yes, I am talking about the old hymn that was written back in 1874 entitled, “Up from the Grave He Arose.”
I have put in many searches on YouTube in hopes of hearing a version similar to the one I sang with the saints at First Baptist Church in Wagoner, Oklahoma, back in the day. None compare!
Perhaps this was the VICTORY song years ago as the chorus goes like this:
“Up from the grave He arose, with a mighty triumph o’er His foes, He arose a Victor from the dark domain and He lives forever with His saints to reign. He arose! He arose! Hallelujah! Christ arose!”
These words caused FAITH and an excitement to rise up in me! I loved that chorus because the first verse was a bit heavy. Maybe you know it, but it goes like this: “Low in the grave He lay, Jesus my Savior! Waiting the coming day, Jesus my Lord!”
During these past three weeks it seems like the overwhelming theme of the Bible study I am attending, as well as a variety of messages and songs that I have listened to, is FORGIVENESS.
Have you ever had a sore toe and it seems like everyone tends to step on it, or you invariably hit it on something? Or, maybe you start looking for a new car to buy and all of the sudden you notice every one in that make and model on the road.
Well, that is the message I am getting on FORGIVENESS.
Right about now I am going to sound like one of those annoying robo calls that immediately says when you pick up the phone, “Don’t hang up! This is an important message!” If you are like me, you quickly hang up because you think that the IMPORTANT message does not apply to you.
So many times when the topic is FORGIVENESS, we tend to hang up the phone because sometimes forgiving others, and ourselves, is just not an option because the hurt and betrayal is just too big.
I am convinced that ONE OF THE MOST LOVING THINGS we can do as Christians is to forgive. When Jesus died on the cross, He took our sins ....past, present and FUTURE on Himself and paid the penalty so we don’t have to. If you are like me, you have been forgiven of MUCH! Wow!
Yes, tomorrow is Friday, but SUNDAY IS COMING!
That tomb is EMPTY! He is not low in the grave anymore because up from the grave He arose! We serve a RISEN SAVIOR who loves us completely and unconditionally. He truly delights in every single detail of our lives and rejoices over us with joyful songs.
If you haven’t already, would you accept this FREE gift of salvation and forgiveness that is extended to you? Jesus wants to set you FREE from any guilt and shame. Just whisper a prayer asking Him to be the Lord and Savior of your life.
He is waiting for you.
Carla Holtz
. . . grew up in a cozy Oklahoma town where she was part of a wonderful church and youth group providing the place for her to meet her husband, Randy of now 35 years. A comfy person is a suitable description of Carla, as she is someone people feel they have known for a long time. By combining humor with life experiences and the Word, she brings practical wisdom for everyday living through her writings and her opportunities to speak at women’s events. It is her goal to bring encouragement to fellow Christians while living a life that draws people to the Lord. Currently, Carla serves her church in a way which allows her to help people get connected to the body of believers and discover where they can best use their God-given gifts. Carla and Randy have planted deep roots in their Oklahoma community where they raised their children and now have the blessing of enjoying their grandchildren.
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